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Wait, it’s only October, why am I talking about resolutions?  I know I’m not the only one who has made a New Year’s Resolution only to abandon it after a few weeks.  I want to start now exploring why resolutions fail, and how to make yours stick.  

Do you want to make real, sustainable change?  Are you looking to build solid habits that will positively impact your life?  We all know people who easily stick to a new diet plan or exercise routine.  We all know people who decided to write a book, train for a marathon, knit a sweater, or start a business - and did it.  Are these people just born with an endless supply of discipline, willpower, and commitment?  If so, how can we bottle it?  

I recently read a book by Gretchen Rubin entitled The Four Tendencies.  In it, the author talks about the various ways we all respond to expectations.  It explores two different types of expectations - internal and external - and how there are four ways of responding to those expectations. External motivation means that there is something outside of you keeping you accountable or rewarding your successful completion of a task.  Internal motivation means that you can set a goal for yourself and successfully reach it without an external prompt or reward.  

Some people rebel against all expectations, inner or outer. Others will question any external expectation but meet internal expectations, needing to be convinced it’s worth it.  Some people respond to both internal and external motivation to get things done.  They can make a decision and commit to themselves to do it.  They will also be equally as likely to do something that someone else asks of them.   

But the most common tendency easily meets external expectations but struggles to meet  internal expectations.  This is the tendency I most closely relate to.   More simply put, if someone asks me to do something, I will absolutely do it every time.  You can count on me.  I try really hard to meet outer expectations.  But if I have set a goal for myself, even a small goal that seems super easy to meet, it quickly falls by the wayside.  I have great intentions, but lack follow-through without external accountability.   

So what do I do?  Do I just give up and stop setting self-improvement goals for myself and my business?  Do I forsake all diet and exercise goals?  Do I stop making resolutions? 


I have a business coach!  Yep, as a coach, I know enough about myself to recognize that I need to set up some form of external accountability if I want to succeed in my entrepreneurial endeavors.  Specifically, my coach, Elizabeth Tollis, coaches entrepreneurs. She helps me set a vision for my buiness and then keeps me accountable for the steps necessary to reach my goals.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these scenarios?  Do you set goals and intentions for yourself but can’t seem to solidify the real change that you want?  Starting a relationship with me now to begin to set your sights on the life you want to live will allow you to start 2022 with the knowledge, skills and habits you need to actually stick to your resolutions.  So how will working with me help you stick to your goals?

  • As a trained behavior specialist, I understand the nuances of how to create solid habits and routines.  I have written about this topic here where I talked about the basics of behavior change.

  • I will help you dream.  Together we will identify the type of goal you want to set for yourself.  We will look at the big and little changes that need to happen to have the life you want.  We will look at the four main areas of your life - Health, Work, Love and Play - and create a vision for where you want to be.  We will start with the thing that will have the biggest ripple effect on your life.

  • I can provide the accountability you need.  I can set up a customized system for the type of accountability you need to be successful in your new goals and habits.  Because everyone is different, we will assess your “tendency” so we can customize your accountability needs.  Sometimes you need those “gold stars” in the beginning to solidify shiny new habits.  I will give them to you! 

Are you ready to finally make resolutions in the new year - or now - that actually stick?  I’m ready to walk with you through the process and provide the support you need in creating and maintaining shiny new habits.


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