Are you living a good life? How do you know? With which criteria are you measuring a good life? Maybe you generally feel happy most of the time. You and your loved ones are mostly healthy. You have a good marriage, a good job, and generally happy, well-adjusted children.
But maybe something is itching at the back of your mind. Everything is fine, right? This is the way everyone feels, right? You face each day basically prepared for what’s coming, prepared for minor setbacks and small roadblocks. Some days are better than others. But some days are frantic, chaotic, and rushed as you try to organize your life, and you fall into bed at night exhausted and overwhelmed.
“If only my mornings and evenings would run more smoothly!” Do you hit the snooze button, exhausted every morning, postponing opening your eyes to the race that you know will ensue the moment your feet hit the floor? You barely take a sip of coffee before your kids are up, asking what’s for breakfast, while you are making them lunch, gathering all of their school belongings, and rushing out the door (without finishing your coffee). Then you go to work all day, come home to homework battles, carpools to activities, and finally wrestle your kids into bed so you have a few moments to yourself or with your husband before you fall into bed - ready to do it all again tomorrow.
“If only my kids did what I asked them to do!” You have asked your kids at least 20 times to clean up their rooms. Your toddler is whining at you for a snack. Your eight-year-old daughter is pouting at the kitchen table because she wants to go play outside instead of complete her math homework. You have told your five-year-old son three times to stop running around, loudly, playing with his nerf guns, shooting them at his sister, who is ready to explode any minute. You are ready to lose it and scream at them in 3...2...1!!
“If only I could find a moment to myself!” Yeah, right! You can barely go to the bathroom without one of your kids banging on the door or simply walking in to complain or ask you for something. How is it possible to catch a breath when every day is a variation on the scenario described above?
“If only I would feel fulfilled at work!” You have a good job. You make decent money and contribute to supporting your family and your lifestyle. You like most of your colleagues. But some days are so stressful you can barely catch your breath. You have high-pressure deadlines with your boss breathing down your neck, and demanding clients who want everything yesterday. You don’t feel fulfilled with a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. You want to love your career, not just tolerate it as something that you have to deal with.
“If only I could find the time to eat better and exercise more!” Every year on January 1st you commit to losing weight by exercising more and eating better. But every year by February, you have called it quits. You are back to fast-food drive thru lunches, skipping the gym, and feeling like a lump, telling yourself you’ll start again next month to get ready for swimsuit season - but you secretly know you won’t. You’re just so tired. All. The. Time.
You can easily count your blessings and be thankful for what you have built for yourself and your family. Life is good, but you know it could be better. You’re almost there. You don’t expect Instagram perfect, no one really has that, even though others may seem to have it all figured out. You know you don’t need a life overhaul - just some slight tweaks and adjustments to make things a bit more satisfying. This isn’t an Eat, Pray, Love moment, and you don’t have to leave your husband and move to Tahiti. But something has to change! There has to be a way to make things go more smoothly so you’re not so exhausted.
My new membership program is the answer you’re looking for. I will teach you how to take inventory of what’s going well and what needs some tweaking, and provide the accountability you need to make lasting changes. But this program is different. It’s a coaching program that fits into your life - coaching at your convenience - even if that’s at 1am curled up on your couch with a cup of tea. Visit here to learn more or reach out to talk.
I can help you build the life you know could be yours if you wanted it. The life that’s just at the tip of your fingers. You are itching to live your BEST life.