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Can You Be Both Extroverted and Introverted?
Can you confidently call yourself an extrovert? Can you say without a doubt that you are an introvert? If you really think about it, you probably cannot definitively choose one with the exclusion of the other. Sure, you might strongly lean one way or the other, but you’re much more complex than that. You are a nuanced, unique person who cannot just fit in one extroverted or introverted box.
Ways My Ever-Planning Brain is a Blessing and a Curse, and 4 Ways I Calm It
I plan constantly. I mean, really all the time. When I’m waking in the morning my mind is playing a movie of getting out of bed, walking to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, deciding what to wear, what to eat, etc. etc. etc. I am constantly 3 steps ahead of any given moment.
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