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ABC Method for Changing Negative Thoughts
The ABC Method (created by Martin Seligman) will help you take a look at the thought patterns that may be causing you to think more...
Values Journaling
I’m excited to share this journaling strategy. I came across this technique in a business retreat with my coach, and the simplicity...
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset - Wrapping it Up
As we conclude our month of Growth vs. Fixed Mindset, I wanted to return to the idea of self talk. I hope that the journaling prompts...
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset - more journal prompts
Have you started journaling? If you already have a journal habit started, did you implement any of the prompts from last week? I would...
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset - Journal Prompts
If you currently do not have a journal practice, I highly recommend that you begin one. Even if it’s just once per week on a Sunday...
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